Yogaacharya Saurabh
is a pioneer in the field of scientific yoga. He did his education from the world famous yoga university in Rishikesh “Gurukul Kangri University “.Coming from a very simple background he had a dream of contributing to the society by his efforts and as a result of this he is now known as one of the best yoga guru in India and across the whole Asia as well. He is not only popular yogi in the early 20th century, but also presented yoga as a powerful tool in holistic healing. As a teacher, he refused to standardize the practice of yoga and therein lies the uniqueness of his approach. His principle was that yoga must be tailor made of this institute enjoy high position in varied fields like Defense, sports, industry sector made to suit the needs of every individual and not the other way around. Yogacharya Saurabh has founded spiritual Yoga ashram in the year 2012, is an international level institution of excellence for teaching and application of knowledge in the field of yoga. Since inception, the institute has achieved many milestones due to the dedicated devoted band of teachers and quality teaching by adopting innovative approaches. The level of place met for the students is very high. It is our constant Endeavour to provide conducive environment for academic and yoga excellence